© 2022 Birgit Peters | Webdesign: Patricia Brunner
Wildlife Journalist • Presenter • Documentary Producer
The winter before I completed my journalism studies, I found myself in South Africa, watching a great white shark hiding in a dense kelp forest. The animal was around five metres long, and I could feel the power of its tail every time it swam past me. I was deeply impressed by the shark's size, strength and elegance and could barely believe that such an archaic creature was leisurely circling in such close proximity.
Even at a young age, I was fascinated by nature and wildlife. My pets – from potato beetles to ferrets – were allowed to live in my room. Later animal companions included horses, dogs, deer and many others.
However, it was the encounter with the shark that would shape the years to come. That same day, I phoned a Hamburg production company specialising in wildlife documentaries and applied as a trainee. Soon after I graduated, I found myself in a plane to Mozambique, on my way to my first shoot.
Over the next few years, I enjoyed many moments like the one described above. My travels took me around the world, from the Namibian deserts to the cliffs of Iceland and the uninhabited wild islands of Micronesia. I followed migrating elephant herds, searched for swarms of sardines from a light aircraft and took every opportunity to really encourage my propensity for seasickness.
As time passed, I realised it was not just the sense of adventure that drove me. I greatly enjoyed working as part of a team that shared common interests and pursued a common goal. The positive, often joyous feedback from viewers after the resulting film was broadcast made all the hard work worth it.
During this exciting period of my life as a writer and director, I increasingly found myself working as an on-camera presenter. This was a new facet of my work, but one I came to greatly enjoy. It was no longer enough to let the images speak for themselves – I actively had to engage the audience and take them with me on a safari or a diving expedition.
My journalistic approach began to change, expanding from the wildlife itself to include the people who worked closely with the animals and established connections with them: the woman who swam with dolphins, the scientist who devoted his life to researching the last remaining desert lions, the specialist divers who would venture more than 150 metres below the surface to seek out new species and the people of the Himba tribe in Namibia, who celebrated a wedding during a full moon.
Despite my own enthusiasm for the world I covered, it was important to not only recognise the negative aspects and problems, but also to convey them to the viewer without ever moralising – whether it concerned the dolphins and turtles who became ensnared in great white shark nets or the dangers poachers posed to elephants and rhinos. To this day, I continue to be driven by the urge to improve conditions for humans and wildlife or at least draw attention to issues – in whatever way I can.
Born in Linz, Austria, in 1978
Studied Law at Charles University in Prague
Journalism and Communication Studies and Slavic Studies in Hamburg
Traineeship at Blue Planet Film production company in Hamburg, followed by further training in Munich and London
Freelance writer, director and presenter in Germany and Austria from 2004
Worked for the following broadcasters: ARD, ZDF, NDR, WDR, BR, VOX, ORF, Servus-TV, BBC, Česká Televize
Formats: Terra Mater, UNIVERSUM, Erlebnis Erde, Expeditionen ins Tierreich, Die letzten Paradiese, Tierzeit and many more
Commissioning editor and Deputy Head of Department of UNIVERSUM, ORF since 2016
Executive Producer and Presenter at Terra Mater Factual Studios since 2020
Languages: German, English, Czech and Hungarian
“The Storm – Wildlife in Wild Weather", 52', Terra Mater (Executive Producer)
Terra Mater Studios/ Längengrad Filmproduktion, Servus TV 2024
“Afrikas wilde Seiten", 3×47‘, Terra Mater (Presenter), Terra Mater Studios, Servus TV 2023
Ep 1: Die Dürre
Ep 2: Die Flut
Ep 3: Die Herausforderung
“Unser Mittelmeer", 4×47‘, Terra Mater (Presenter), Terra Mater Studios, Servus TV 2022
Ep 1: Die große Reise
Ep 2: Die Letzten ihrer Art
Ep 3: Der Weg ins Leben
Ep 4: Der Kreislauf der Natur
“Großstadt-Dschungel Hamburg", 47‘, Terra Mater (Presenter), Terra Mater Studios, Servus TV 2022
“Wildes Wales", 47‘, Terra Mater (Presenter), Terra Mater Studios, Servus TV 2022
„The Loco-Motion Picture“, Terra Mater (Presenter)
Terra Mater Factual Studios, Servus-TV 2022
“Planet California”, 2×50´, Terra Mater (Executive Producer)
Episode 1: Beyond the Beach, Episode 2: Rivers in the Sky
Wild Logic/Terra Mater Factual Studios, Servus-TV 2021
„Critical Kingdoms – Stories of Hope”, 3×50′, Terra Mater (Executive Producer)
Episode 1: Australia, Episode 2: Indonesia, Episode 3: Africa
Picassofilm/KmPlusMedia/Terra Mater Factual Studios,
Servus-TV 2021
„Wilde Zeiten – 10 Jahre Terra Mater”, 55′, Terra Mater (presenter, Co-producer/director), Terra Mater Factual Studios, Servus-TV 2021
„Wild Horses – A Tale from the Puszta”, 47’/52′, Terra Mater (Executive Producer), doclights/ Wild Tales Production/ Terra Mater Factual Studios, Servus-TV 2020
„Füchse – Eine wilde Geschichte”, 47’/50′, Terra Mater (Executive Producer), Ateles Film/ Terra Mater Factual Studios, Servus-TV 2020
“Dehesa – Forest of the Iberian Lynx”, 2×50, 1×90, Terra Mater (Executive Producer), wanda vision/Terra Mater Factual Studios
“Baboons – A really Wild Family", Terra Mater (Executive Producer), doclights/ Terra Mater Factual Studios, Servus-TV 2021
„Horses in the Storm – Sardinia´s Rocky Sanctuary", 45’/52′, Universum (Commissioning Editor), pre tv, ORF 2020
„Korsika – Wildnis zwischen Schnee und Sand“, 50′, Universum (Commissioning Editor), Flying Pangolin Film, ORF 2019
„Austria – Created by Water“
Episode 1: White Water, Blue Water, 50‘, Universum (Commissioning Editor),
Science Vision Filmproduktions GmbH, ORF 2018
„Austria – Created by Water“
Episode 2: The Flow of Time, 45‘/52‘, Universum (Commissioning Editor),
Science Vision Filmproduktions GmbH, ORF 2018
„Naturparadies Europa – Von den Azoren zum Polarkreis“, 100‘,
Universum (Projektleitung) , ORF 2018
„Naturparadies Europa – Vom Polarkreis zum Mittelmeer“, 100‘, Universum (Projektleitung), ORF 2018
„Apokalypse 1618 – Die Schrecken des Dreißigjährigen Krieges“, 83‘, Universum History (Redaktion), ORF/arte/Česká Televize 2018
„Oberösterreich – in Bann der Besatzung“, 45‘, Universum History (Redaktion), E & A Film, ORF 2017
Redaktionelle Betreuung und Bearbeitungen für Universum und Universum History, diverse Dokus
45´-100´, ORF 2015/2016/2017/2018/2019
“Böse Saat – Gentechnik auf dem Vormarsch”, 48´ (Moderation), Servus-TV 2014
„Link with the Lynx“, 52´, Universum (producer/director), ORF 2010
„Wagnis in der Südsee – Das Rätsel der Polynesier“, 45′, Terra X (Drehbuch), ZDF 2010
„Abenteuer Namibia – Wo die Wüste lebt“, 45´, Erlebnis Erde (Co-Autorin und Moderation), ARD 2009
„Big Cat Diary“, 52´, diverse Folgen (deutsche Fassung), BBC 2008
„Die Wunder der Namib“ – Im Tal der Wüstenlöwen“, 45´,
Expeditionen ins Tierreich (Recherche und Moderation), NDR 2008
„Die Wunder der Namib“ – Im Tal der Elefanten“, 45´, Expeditionen ins Tierreich (Recherche und Moderation), NDR 2008
„Nordreportage“, diverse Beiträge (Buch, Regie), NDR
„Hamburg Journal“, diverse Reportagen (Buch, Regie), NDR
„Pacific Abyss – Epsode 1“, 50’,
Expeditionen ins Tierreich (producer/director), BBC/NDR 2007
„Pacific Abyss – Episode 2“, 50’,
Expeditionen ins Tierreich (producer/director), BBC/NDR 2007
„Abenteuer Nordsee – Zwischen Killerwalen und Kegelrobben“, 45´, Expeditionen ins Tierreich (Co-Regie), NDR 2007
„In den Tiefen des Pazifiks“, 45´, Erlebnis Erde (Buch, Regie) ,
ARD 2007
„Norwegen“, 45’ , Die letzten Paradiese (Co-Autorin, Regie),
BR 2007
„S.O.S. Tierbabys“ (Autorin), ZDF 2007
„The Most Extreme“, 45´, diverse Folgen (deutsche Fassung),
Animal Planet/NHNZ 2007
„Shark Gordon“, 30´, diverse Folgen (deutsche Fassung), Animal Planet/NHNZ 2007
„Namibia“, 45’, Die letzten Paradiese (Co-Autorin), BR 2006
„Zwischen Jägern und Gejagten“, 45’, Erlebnis Erde – Abenteuer Ozean (Recherche und Moderation), ARD/NDR 2006
„Am Riff der Teufelsrochen“, 45’, Expeditionen ins Tierreich – Abenteuer Ozean (Recherche und Moderation) NDR 2006
„Unter Weißen Haien“, 45’, Expeditionen ins Tierreich – Abenteuer Ozean (Recherche und Moderation), NDR 2006
„Wenn der Mondfisch auftaucht“, 30’, Tierzeit (Buch, Regie),
Vox 2006
„Robben – Intelligenz`bestien´ der Meere“, 30’, Tierzeit (Buch, Regie), Vox 2006
„Kelp – geheimnisvolle Wälder im Meer“, 30’, Tierzeit (Buch, Regie),
Vox 2006
„Dirk und die Riesenkraken“, 30’, Tierzeit (Buch, Regie), Vox 2006
„Urzeitkrebse“, W wie Wissen (Autorin), ARD/WDR 2006
„Mosambik – von Haien, Rochen und Delfinen“, 45’, Die letzten Paradiese (Co-Autorin, Regie), BR 2005
Der Tafelberg“, 45’, Die letzten Paradiese (Co-Autorin), BR 2005
„Die Delfinfrau“, 15’ (Autorin), Blue Planet Film 2005
“Český Krumlov”, Deset Století Architektury
„Tschechisch Krumau“, Zehn Jahrhunderte Architektur,(Deutsche Fassung), Česká Televize 2001
„Architekt Miroslav Řepa“, Deset Století Architektury
„Der Architekt Miroslav Řepa“, Zehn Jahrhunderte Architektur, (Deutsche Fassung), Česká Televize 2000
„Chrám Sv. Víta”, Deset Století Architektury
„Der St.Veits-Dom“, Zehn Jahrhunderte Architektur,(Deutsche Fassung), Česká Televize 1999
„Tančící Dům”, Deset Století Architektury
„Das tanzende Haus“, Zehn Jahrhunderte Architektur,(Deutsche Fassung), Česká Televize 1999
„Královské Malostranské Zahrady“, Deset Století Architektury
„Die königlichen Gärten der Prager Kleinseite“, Zehn Jahrhunderte Architektur (Deutsche Fassung), Česká Televize 1999
Here I briefly introduce myself and my work
In this 4-part series I will take you on a fascinating journey across the Mediterranean Sea – at once both familiar, but still with so much to discover
Flying, horse riding, diving and more for “Höher, schneller, weiter", produced by Terra Mater Studios
Excerpts from the series “Abenteuer Ozean" and
“Die Wunder der Namib"
An overview of the films I wrote and/or directed
This three-part documentary shwos the interconnected lives of five animal families in the remotest corners of Botswana, captured through breathtaking visuals
In this 4 part series I am taking you on a fascinating journey to show you the lesser known side of the seemingly familiar Mediterranean Sea
Short Excerpt from the 4-part Curiosity Stream Original
„Nature through Her Eyes“
From lovesick Baboons to Nature Film Scripts: Behind the Scenes of “Afrikas wilde Seiten" – In the Studio with Servus at 2
“Mittag in Österreich”, ORF. Subject: Documentary production and diving with sharks
“Servus am Morgen“, Servus-TV. Subject: The documentary “Böse Saat – Gentechnik auf dem Vormarsch"
“Nature through Her Eyes Festival” – interview and discussion
Reporting on the complex impact of the EU seed laws on farmers, gardeners and breeders, and therefore on our food
How can we apply team strategies from the animal world to our business world? What can we learn from different cultures? How can we make sustainability and species protection common sense? And what does the future hold for our planet?
Simply fill out the contact form. I'm looking forward to your message!